Senate debates

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

  • Environment (12 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes the decision of the NSW Land and Environment Court to block the proposed Rocky Hill coal mine on the ground that it will contribute to climate change...
  • Law Enforcement (7 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate— a.affirms the right of every citizen to feel safe in their own home; b.recognises the sad reality that the police cannot be everywhere at every time; c.accepts that...
  • Senate Standing Orders (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) in the last 15 years, Labor Governments around Australia have progressively forced Parliaments and every government department and...
  • Prevention of Violence Against Women (14 speeches)
    Senators, I note this is a topic that has provoked some tension in the chamber in the past, and I will ask all senators to keep that in mind.