Senate debates

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

  • Western Australia: State Budget (1 speech)
    I rise this afternoon to talk about a matter of great importance to the electors of Western Australia. It's clear that Western Australians are feeling the pinch of cost-of-living pressures....
  • Carmichael, Mr Laurie (1 speech)
    I'd like to take this opportunity to pay my respects to one of the giants of the Australian trade union movement, Laurie Carmichael, who passed away on Queensland's Sunshine Coast on 18 August at...
  • Energy (7 speeches)
    Many of the people in this building are probably preoccupied with the political soap opera happening around the place, but I'm sure the Australian public would be much keener if there was a...
  • Freedom of Speech (5 speeches)
    I wasn't going to, but I need to devote a couple of minutes to reflect on the presentation made by Senator Bartlett, because he left me somewhat confused, arguing that, for example, energy...
  • Northern Territory: National Disability Insurance Scheme (1 speech)
    I rise today to talk about the operations of the National Disability Insurance Agency and how they are affecting the National Disability Insurance Scheme and its clients in the Northern...
  • Migration (1 speech)
    If Labor and the Greens, supported by Senator Fraser Anning, thought their stunt on Monday would silence me on immigration, they are dreaming. The Labor-Greens alliance is afraid to tell voters...
  • Regional and Remote Australia (6 speeches)
    Life in regional and remote Australia can be very rewarding. Regional and remote Australia is home to much of our mineral and resources wealth, including agriculture, and many of the great...
  • Williamson, Ms Angela; Cricket Australia (2 speeches)
    I rise to speak about the extraordinary story of a young Tasmanian woman, Ms Angela Williamson, who was sacked by Cricket Australia because of her advocacy for women's health. In January this...