Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

  • Western Australia: Order of Australia Awards (1 speech)
    At the request of Senator Smith, I move: That the Senate— (a) congratulates the following worthy Western Australians who were recipients of Order of Australia awards on 26 January 2018, for...
  • Palm Oil (4 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate: (a) notes that:   (i) the world's leading conservation organisation, World Wide Fund for Nature, notes that palm oil is the most widely-consumed vegetable oil...
  • World Down Syndrome Day (1 speech)
    At the request of senators Brown, Reynolds and Steele-John, I move: That the Senate notes that: (a) 21 March 2018 marks World Down Syndrome Day; (b) the theme for World Down Syndrome Day 2018 is...
  • Higher Education (4 speeches)
    I seek leave to amend general business notice of motion No. 750, standing in my name today. There has been a slight amendment to paragraph (b), section (ii), deleting the words 'they want to...
  • Australian Building and Construction Commissioner (7 speeches)
    At the request of Senator Cameron, I move: That the Senate— (a) notes the claim of public interest immunity grounded on legal professional privilege made by the Minister for Jobs and...
  • Mitochondrial Donation (1 speech)
    I, and on behalf of senators Di Natale and Watt, move: That the following matter be referred to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 19 June 2018: (a) the science...
  • Forced Adoption (1 speech)
    I, and also on behalf of Senator Moore, move: That the Senate— (a) recognises that 21 March 2018, marks the 5-year anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions; (b)...
  • South Africa (9 speeches)
    I, and also on behalf of Senator Anning, move: That the Senate— (a) notes:   (i) the revival of a revolutionary song "Shoot the Boer" at political rallies in South Africa,...