Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

  • Archer, Councillor Elsia (1 speech)
    The Kimberley in Western Australia's north is by every definition grand: it's grand in its size and its scope, it's grand in its perspective and natural beauty, and it's grand in its possibility....
  • Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (1 speech)
    Tonight I take this opportunity to voice my ongoing concerns about the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. The Turnbull government has a very poor record when it comes to North...
  • Donations to Political Parties (1 speech)
    Corporate donations are a stain on our democracy, our politics and our parliament. The Greens believe our democracy should never be for sale, and we need to act to get big money from big...
  • Indigenous Housing (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to put on record my serious concerns about the funding for building housing and for maintenance in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. There are grave fears...