Senate debates

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

  • Ioof (3 speeches)
    In the last week, Australians may have read about the goings on at a company called IOOF. This is a company that has $150 billion worth of funds under management and some 650,000 clients. It is...
  • International Development Assistance (1 speech)
    I rise today to highlight one of the cruel cuts being delivered by the Abbott government, and that is the savage cut to Australia's foreign aid. So far, the government has cut Australia's aid...
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    On this day of national shame—and that is the only way you can describe it when the government and the Labor Party have completely lost their moral compass—to retrospectively legalise...
  • Valedictory: Senator Christine Milne (4 speeches)
    I know that Senator Milne's speech was not officially a valedictory, but it was a farewell speech. I might make a few remarks on behalf of the government. Senator Milne is a colleague with whom I...