Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

  • Anzac Parade (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) That the Centenary of ANZAC approaches, and (ii) two commemoration sites on ANZAC Parade in our nation's capital remain incomplete; and (b)...
  • International Aid (1 speech)
    I, and on behalf of Senator Rhiannon, move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) on 19 November 2014 the world observed the second official World Toilet Day, the annual observance of which...
  • East Coast High Speed Rail (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) discussions about East Coast High Speed Rail (HSR) have been going on for many years, and (ii) under this Government there has been no...
  • Disability Care (6 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) acknowledges that an unacceptably high number of people with disability are subjected to neglect, violence and abuse in residential, institutional and home care...