Senate debates

Monday, 22 September 2014

  • Yvonne, Ms May (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to speak of fond matters. It is fitting that I have a number of my South Australian colleagues here in the chamber, as well as you, Acting Deputy President Senator Sterle, from...
  • Road Safety (1 speech)
    I rise to make a contribution in this adjournment debate on a matter of great importance that does not get the significance in the federal parliament that it should: the national road safety...
  • Animals in Circuses (1 speech)
    Circuses are not glamorous for circus animals. No matter how caring a circus animal keeper might be, the impoverishment and stress of a circus animal's existence casts a dark shadow over the...
  • Motor Neurone Disease (1 speech)
    Earlier this month, alongside my sister Jan Robinson, I joined the ranks of millions worldwide who have undertaken the ice bucket challenge. As everyone in this place would know, the ice bucket...