Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

  • Federal Government (1 speech)
    It will come as no news to other senators in this place that I have a longstanding commitment to our federation. The Australian Constitution was founded on a very sound principle of clearly...
  • Nagy, Mrs Eva (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about a very fine woman from South Australia, Eva Nagy, who was born in Hungary in January 1928 and has made a terrific contribution to the beauty of Adelaide and its wonderful...
  • South Australia: Red Cross (1 speech)
      I rise tonight to speak about one of the best aspects of my work as a senator: getting to meet with the many good-hearted and generous people involved in organisations throughout...
  • Primary Industry (1 speech)
    I have been a senator for less than 100 days, yet, as I travel across Queensland and the wider nation, I truly feel a sense of renewed vigour in rural and regional communities because government...