Senate debates

Monday, 22 August 2011



The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:

[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number. An explanatory statement is tabled with an instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk.]

Aged Care Act—Complaints Principles 2011 [F2011L01691].

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act—Determination of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates No. 2011/1 [F2011L01674].

Commissioner of Taxation—Public Rulings—

Class Rulings—

Addendum—CR 2011/46A.

CR 2011/76-CR 2011/78.

Taxation Rulings—

Addendum—TR 97/9.

Errata—TR 2006/10AE and TR 2006/11AE.

Notice of Withdrawal—TR 95/4.

Customs Act—Tariff Concession Orders—

1101644 [F2011L01681].

1102984 [F2011L01677].

1102990 [F2011L01676].

1103346 [F2011L01678].

1103423 [F2011L01680].

1103437 [F2011L01690].

1103549 [F2011L01670].

1103551 [F2011L01672].

1104052 [F2011L01679].

1105239 [F2011L01688].

1105240 [F2011L01682].

1105241 [F2011L01675].

1106114 [F2011L01687].

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act—Amendments of lists of exempt native specimens—

EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/24 [F2011L01686].

EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/25 [F2011L01684].

Financial Management and Accountability Act—Financial Management and Accountability Determinations—

2011/14—Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from DEEWR to TEQSA) [F2011L01673].

2011/15—Section 32 (Transfer of Functions from FHCSIA to SEWPaC) [F2011L01689].

Higher Education Support Act—VET Provider Approval No. 18 of 2011—Gurkhas Institute of Technology Pty Ltd [F2011L01692].

Independent Contractors Act—Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 155—Independent Contractors Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01694].

Lands Acquisition Act—Statement describing property acquired by agreement for specified public purposes under section 125.

Private Health Insurance Act—Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2011 (No. 6) [F2011L01683].

Student Assistance Act—Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Amendment Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01693].