Senate debates

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

  • United States: Road Transport Industry (5 speeches)
    Thank you, Mr Acting Deputy President, and thank you, Senator Brandis. I appreciate your giving me the call; I have to be somewhere else. I want to take this opportunity to report to the Senate...
  • Member for Dobell (1 speech)
    Yesterday during question time in the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister was asked by the member for Mackellar whether she retained complete confidence in the member for Dobell, Mr...
  • Body Image (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak, as I have in the past, about my concerns surrounding child beauty pageants and early sexualisation of girls. Child beauty pageants are, unfortunately, only one aspect of a...
  • Member for Dobell (1 speech)
    I would like to follow up my comments on 15 June this year in this chamber and also follow up the comments of Senator Brandis in relation to the Craig Thomson matter. Honourable senators will...
  • Tarkine Wilderness (1 speech)
    I rise today to discuss the issue of the protection of the Tarkine in north-west Tasmania. The Tarkine is a magnificent natural area, which is home to many threatened and endangered species and...