Senate debates

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

  • Workplace Relations (1 speech)
    I rise this evening to add some dialogue around what is happening in respect to the Australian Services Union equal pay campaign. The full bench of Fair Work Australia handed down an interim...
  • Special Olympics, Shalit, Mr Gilad (9 speeches)
    Thank you, Mr Deputy President—
  • World Refugee Day (1 speech)
    I congratulate Senator Fifield on both of his contributions this evening but particularly the one about the Special Olympics. We can all celebrate the work of the contributors and the...
  • NAIDOC Week (1 speech)
    This is NAIDOC Week. As many senators will already be aware celebrations are held across Australia in July each year to celebrate and acknowledge the history, the culture and the achievements of...
  • Valedictories (1 speech)
    I was, unfortunately, unable to be in the chamber for a number of the valedictories of our retiring senators, so I wanted to take the opportunity tonight to make a few comments. It is indeed a...
  • Australian of the Year Awards (1 speech)
    Today I wish to raise the important matter of the Australian of the Year Awards. The National Australia Day Council was established in 1979, known then as 'the committee', with a vision to make...