Senate debates

Monday, 7 September 2009

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 9.50 pm, I propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
  • Australian Military Court (1 speech)
    This evening I want to address the High Court decision of last week invalidating the Australian Military Court. The decision was that the court did not accord with Chapter III of the Australian...
  • Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease (1 speech)
    I rise to speak on a matter of extreme concern to my veterinary colleagues and my associates in the horse industry. It follows the tragic death last week of my colleague Dr Alister Rodgers in...
  • Community Sector Funding (1 speech)
    This evening I rise to acknowledge the impact of the global financial crisis on the community sector and the important role that these organisations are playing in supporting the community...
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (1 speech)
    I rise, unusually, to give a contribution to the adjournment debate. I do so tonight to speak in particular on the work of UNICEF. And I do so in my capacity as Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary...