Senate debates

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 12.45 pm, I call on matters of public interest.
  • Workplace Relations (4 speeches)
    I rise on a matter of public interest concerning the coalition’s agenda to retain those parts of Work Choices that depress the wages of low-paid workers and make their jobs less secure....
  • Economy (15 speeches)
    I rise to speak on a matter of public interest, that being the concerning ideological direction of the government in its economic management. As we head into 2009, it is becoming increasingly...
  • Whaling; Fitzgerald River National Park (1 speech)
    There are two issues I wish to cover today in talking about matters of public interest. One of these issues came to the fore during the summer break, and that was whaling. The other, which is...
  • Western Australia: Workplace Relations (1 speech)
    I rise today to talk about a matter of public interest out of concern for Western Australian workers—workers who the West Australian government would see fit to leave out of the critical...
  • Emissions Trading Scheme (1 speech)
    The matter of public interest I wish to raise is the heavily compromised Treasury modelling of the government’s proposed emissions trading scheme. I refer senators, the media and the public...