Senate debates

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

  • (1 speech)
    The Acting Deputy President: Order! The consideration of government documents being now concluded, I propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
  • Remembrance Day (1 speech)
    I rise to speak on this day, the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I—the war that was to end all wars. Of course, sadly, it did not. The horror, the waste, the death, the broken...
  • Education (1 speech)
    Since November this year we have seen the Labor Party breach many of their election commitments. Thousands of Australian schoolchildren are still waiting patiently for the laptops that Mr Rudd...
  • Multiculturalism (1 speech)
    This evening I rise to speak on one of my passions: multiculturalism. On the morning of Friday, 19 September I attended the annual general meeting of ACCES Services Inc. Like most AGMs the...
  • Remembrance Day (1 speech)
    I would like to commemorate and pay tribute to those Australian veterans, both those who are alive and those who have passed away, who have sacrificed their lives and given of themselves for us...
  • World Mental Health Day; Dr Eric Cunningham Dax (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to mark the celebration on 10 October 2008 of World Mental Health Day. This is an area of public policy about which I am especially passionate, and it is one area I intend to focus...
  • Armistice Day (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to respect the fact that it is Armistice Day and to read onto the record another person’s experience from the Great War, a person whose name I bear as my middle name—my...
  • National Prayer Breakfast (1 speech)
    This evening I would like to reflect on an important event in the parliamentary calendar, and that is the National Prayer Breakfast and, in particular, the 22nd National Prayer Breakfast, which...
  • Neil Sachse Foundation (1 speech)
    In Australia right now there are approximately 9,000 people living with a spinal cord injury, and that number is on a steady upward incline. Unlike most medical conditions where the number of...
  • Eunice Watson Coolwell (1 speech)
    Last week in Brisbane, a large group of people gathered together to celebrate the life of and to say farewell to a wonderful Aboriginal woman who had been an inspiration for many of us. Auntie...
  • New South Wales North Coast (1 speech)
    I would like to report to parliament on my three-day visit last week to the North Coast of New South Wales, one of the most beautiful regions of Australia. I was there in my capacity as duty...
  • Interest Rates (1 speech)
    Australians are entitled to be extremely disappointed with our major banks and their approach to interest rates, in particular their refusal to pass on successive cuts in the official interest...
  • Armenian Genocide (1 speech)
    Tonight I just want to place on record a matter of history in relation to the Armenian genocide. A number of senators and members would no doubt have met representatives from the community who...
  • Education (2 speeches)
    Are there any further speakers who wish to speak for 10 minutes on the adjournment? If not, I will assume that the remaining speaker is speaking for 20. Senator Bishop, the clock will be set for...