Senate debates

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 12.45 pm, I call on matters of public interest.
  • Homelessness (1 speech)
    After 17 years of continuous economic growth, it is simply unacceptable that on any given night 100,000 Australians are homeless. This truly is a national disgrace. Half of these homeless...
  • Mr Biaggio Signorelli (1 speech)
    Mr Acting Deputy President Parry, I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Acting Deputy President. It is the first time that I have spoken while you have been in the...
  • Education (1 speech)
    Thank you, Mr Acting Deputy President Parry, and congratulations on your elevation to that role. I am sorry that Senator Bernardi is not here at the moment because I know that Senator Bernardi...
  • Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison; Australian Greens (1 speech)
    Firstly, I note the impending leaving of the Senate of Senator Chris Ellison. I just want to say that he has always been the most pleasant, decent and reasonable character to relate to and to...
  • Age Pension; Rural and Regional Health Services; Tweed Skate Park (15 speeches)
    I rise today to talk, very specifically, about Labor’s neglect of the regions. In particular, today I want to talk about the far North Coast of New South Wales and the Tweed region. I spend...
  • Centenary of Holland Park Mosque (1 speech)
    As Australians we pride ourselves on being a nation built on many cultures and religions to form our great multicultural society. One of the most enjoyable things about being a representative of...