Senate debates

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 12.45 pm, I call on matters of public interest.
  • Valedictory (1 speech)
    It goes with saying that, in commencing my final speech to the Senate today, I do so with some regrets. All politicians, either actual or aspiring, know Enoch Powell’s famous maxim about...
  • Anti-Semitism (1 speech)
    Might I just say at the outset that I extend best wishes to Senator Santoro and his family in his new career. Today I want to speak in this matter of public interest debate on the increasing...
  • Indigenous Affairs (1 speech)
    Today I want to speak about some significant anniversaries dealing with Indigenous Australians that are coming up in the next few months. The first, which occurs on 27 May, is the 40th...
  • Wheat Industry (1 speech)
    For many months, the issue of export wheat marketing has been a matter of public interest. Today I intend to inform the Senate of the progress made in the debate. The current wheat marketing...
  • Workplace Relations; Economy (3 speeches)
    I rise to speak today on the pressures facing families in greater Western Sydney. These pressures centre on the convergence of three issues, all of which lie with the actions of this government....