Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2006

  • (1 speech)
    Order! There being no further consideration of government documents, I propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
  • 39th Battalion (1 speech)
    I rise to bring to the attention of the Senate an event held on 8 August this year that took place at the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance. It was a ceremony to reinstate the 39th Battalion to...
  • SIEVX Memorial (1 speech)
    I, too, rise to speak about a memorial. On Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, a simple stone cairn on a point near the Administrator’s official residence bears this inscription: SIEV X...
  • Millennium Development Goals (1 speech)
    Family First is pleased to speak this evening about the Millennium Development Goals. Family First was also pleased to attend the Stand Up Against Poverty event earlier this week sponsored by the...
  • Women in Parliament: Media (1 speech)
    This evening in this place I want to make a few comments about the feelings that some of us had last Thursday when we saw the newspaper report celebrating the success of Liberal women in...
  • Integrated Humanitarian Settlement Strategy (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to speak on the government’s discussion paper released today called ‘Measures to improve settlement outcomes for humanitarian entrants’. This paper is the result...
  • Women in Politics (2 speeches)
    Like Senator Moore, I rise to make a brief contribution about the role of women in Australian politics. Yesterday I received an email that was actually about a proposed Australian head of state...
  • Environment: Indigenous Australians (1 speech)
    I want to address a few matters in my contribution in the adjournment debate tonight. The first is to respond to some statements raised in an article in the Weekend Australian by an author named...