Senate debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Camp Sovereignty

1:53 pm

Photo of Lidia ThorpeLidia Thorpe (Victoria, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

Today I want to talk about Camp Sovereignty, whom I spoke to this morning. Camp Sovereignty is a place of resistance on what is known by the colonisers as Kings Domain. It has been a place of cultural significance for our people for millennia. It was re-established on 26 January this year, the day of mourning. The Black GST, focusing on genocide, sovereignty and treaty, originally established Camp Sovereignty in 2006 to highlight these fundamental issues. It was established by my mum, Marjorie Thorpe, Professor Uncle Gary Foley, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, and Targan and Clare Land. It was during the stolen-wealth games. The irony of so-called 'Commonwealth' does not apply to First Peoples. We are still fighting for basic equality. Since 26 January, a sacred fire has been burning on these significant grounds, representing the continuing presence and ongoing resistance of our people. Camp Sovereignty is a place for First Peoples to gather but is welcoming to all. It's a place for community, healing and culture.

Places like this are needed more than ever in this country. Data shows imposed government models like the one we have here continue to fail our people. Community led and driven initiatives have better outcomes, especially when they come from respected elders and experts. I stand in solidarity with my uncle Robbie Thorpe, who has promised to stay at Camp Sovereignty to continue the resistance until the land is handed back to its traditional custodians, its true sovereigns. The sovereignty here is not real. We are the true sovereigns, and we want our land back.


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