Senate debates

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Questions without Notice

Middle East

2:11 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

The decision by Hamas to break the recent pause in hostilities was a grave setback. The pause had allowed for the release of more than 100 hostages and supported an increase in humanitarian access to affected civilians. Australia wants to see this resumed, and we support international efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire—a statement I made with the French foreign minister, Catherine Colonna, earlier this week. We know this cannot be one-sided. Hamas must release all hostages, stop using Palestinian civilians, stop attacks on Israel and release all hostages. Australia supports President Biden's five principles for post-conflict Gaza, including no forcible displacement of Palestinians or reduction in territory and no use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism. I also advise the Senate that Assistant Foreign Minister Watts has been asked to travel on behalf of the government to the region to lay the groundwork for deeper ministerial engagement. (Time expired)


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