Senate debates

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Statements by Senators

Cost of Living

1:54 pm

Photo of Nick McKimNick McKim (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Prices at supermarket check-outs are going through the roof while Coles and Woolies are raking in billions of dollars in profits. What critical issue is the centrepiece of the government's response? The harrowing plight of Christmas ham prices. Senator Watt, a cabinet minister no less, is calling for a freeze on the price of ham. This raises some very serious questions. Has this policy been endorsed by cabinet, or is it just a ham-fisted attempt by Senator Watt to hog the limelight? Are price controls on food actually government policy, or is Senator Watt simply free-ranging? Is he confronting the issue with the gravy it deserves—I'm sorry; the gravity it deserves? Is Senator Watt actually going to keep carrying on like a pork chop until our eyes glaze over? Will Senator Watt go the whole hog and call for price controls on other food items, or is he just hamming it up to build his social media profile?


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