Senate debates

Wednesday, 6 December 2023


Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023; In Committee

1:28 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

This legislation clearly is dealing with the symptom, not the root cause, of the rise of these sorts of ideologies in Australia. Minister, I have two questions. I'm conscious of keeping them brief because we're running up on the time limit for the debate. I circulated a second reading amendment that went to the Senate noting that 'people turn to extremist ideologies when they feel isolated, disaffected and excluded from society', that 'fostering strong, cohesive communities is the best way to prevent the rise of right-wing extremist ideologies', that 'criminalising the use of Nazi symbols and salutes is an appropriate public policy outcome but, by itself, it will not address the underlying drivers of radicalisation', and that 'the government must increase funding for social cohesion'—something we've heard a lot about in the last month—'early intervention and deradicalisation programs to genuinely address this issue and keep Australians safe'.

Firstly, I'm interested in the government's views on that and why you're not supportive of acknowledging that. Secondly, I come to the 10-year sunsetting provision that has been removed from this.


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