Senate debates

Wednesday, 6 December 2023


Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Repudiation) Bill 2023; In Committee

12:32 pm

Photo of Andrew McLachlanAndrew McLachlan (SA, Deputy-President) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Minister.

The time has expired, Senator Hanson. In accordance with the resolution today, the time for consideration of the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Repudiation) Bill 2023 has expired. I will now put the questions on the remaining stages of the bill, starting with amendments circulated by Senator Thorpe. The question is that amendments (1) and (2) on sheet 2318 and amendment (1) on sheet 2323 be agreed to.

Senator Thorpe's circulated amendments—

SHEET 2318

(1) Schedule 1, item 4, page 7 (lines 8 and 9), omit "the whole of each period is to be counted", substitute "the periods of imprisonment, to the extent that those periods are to be served concurrently, are to be counted only once".

(2) Schedule 1, item 4, page 7 (lines 10 to 13), omit the example, substitute:

Example: A person is convicted of 2 serious offences and a court has decided to impose on the person in respect of the convictions 2 periods of 8 years imprisonment to be served concurrently. For the purposes of subsection (1), the total period of imprisonment is 8 years.


SHEET 2323

(1) Schedule 1, item 4, page 4 (lines 26 to 29), omit "3 years" (wherever occurring), substitute "5 years".

Question negatived.


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