Senate debates

Wednesday, 6 December 2023


Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Repudiation) Bill 2023; Second Reading

10:44 am

Photo of Deborah O'NeillDeborah O'Neill (NSW, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I want to take this opportunity, since this is the first time I have risen to speak since the passing of the member for Dunkley, to acknowledge the profound contribution, the amazing mind and the generous heart of Peta Murphy to the best interests of this nation.

I address the matters before us. I note that at the end of her contribution Senator Ruston indicated support for this legislation but you'd never ever know it from the deeply personal attack that preceded her exception to the reality that this legislation is good legislation and of sufficient goodness that, despite all of the clamouring, all of the loudness, all of the screeching and carry on that we have seen, it is coming before this parliament and it is going to be supported.

Why are we in this situation? I just want to counter one absolutely false claim that has been repeated here again by Senator Ruston, who really should know better. Having gone through the robodebt debacle, which absolutely revealed the moral deficits of the former government, Senator Ruston should well and truly know the value of telling the truth in this place, especially this place where the laws of the nation are made. Governments are required to abide by the law. When Senator Ruston makes the false claim that the matter of NZYQ was a matter that related to a single individual, that is absolutely and totally incorrect.

When the High Court makes a decision and hands down that decision, the government of the day, whatever colour it may be, is required to accept that decision of the High Court. If we don't, we descend into anarchy. The law is the law. The courts make the law. The government is required to abide by the law. All of us, whether it's Senator Ruston, the government, the Liberal Party, the National Party, even members of the crossbench—the Greens, One Nation, the Jacqui Lambie Network, Senator Van, Senator Thorpe, Senator Babet—are on a unity ticket to prevent rapists, murderers, contract killers, paedophiles. There is not a single person in this building, there is not a single decent Australian that wants these people out, but every Australian and every government that accedes to the way the law works in this country would have to deal with the fact that the people who are in the same situation as NZYQ had to be released, and that is why this careful, considered legislation that the opposition is going to support, because it is the best response to the reality that we confront, should be passed today. The mischief making, the misinformation that has so characterised the public commentary of the opposition needs to stop in the national interest. (Time expired)


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