Senate debates

Monday, 4 December 2023

Statements by Senators

Albanese Government

1:40 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Last Thursday, on music band T-shirt day, the Prime Minister chose to wear a T-shirt from Australian band Radio Birdman, perhaps for the uncanny commentary their song titles make on the Prime Minister's term in office. Who can forget 1977's classic title 'Descent into the Maelstrom', or their commentary on the government's legislation agenda, 'Subterfuge'.

Radio Birdman nailed this government's failure with their song 'Time to Fall' and the follow-up, 'Found Dead'. The Prime Minister's fortunes are 1981's 'Hanging On'—and, if we see one more selfie, perhaps 1988's 'Burn My Eye'—and, from 1977, perhaps something no Australian is likely to say to the Albanese government, 'You're Gonna Miss Me'. Perhaps a better T-shirt would have been AC/DC's ode to crossbench dirty deals, 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'.

Jim Chalmers didn't take part in band T-shirt day, and missed his chance to wear a AC/DC T-shirt that sums up his economic policy perfectly: 'Highway to Hell'. Aptly describing Jim Chalmers's cost-of-living crisis would be 'Hungry Cannibals'. It's ironic that—


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