Senate debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023


Attorney-General's Department; Order for the Production of Documents

4:54 pm

Photo of Paul ScarrPaul Scarr (Queensland, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to take note of the document regarding the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Senator Chandler for her advocacy on these matters. Senator Chandler is extremely well respected and highly regarded by the wonderful Iranian community in Queensland for her fierce advocacy in relation to these matters. I commend her for it. Secondly, I appeal to the government to reconsider its position in this regard. I have heard in Senate estimates and I understand the concerns raised about the complications of listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation. But in all the circumstances, including the fact that the opposition stands ready to provide whatever assistance is necessary to navigate those issues, I appeal to the government to reconsider its position with respect to this.

I will put the message very, very simply. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps should be registered as a terrorist organisation because it is a terrorist organisation. It is as simple as that. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a terrorist organisation. It acts like a terrorist organisation, it supports other terrorist organisations and it should be given that status. Senator Chandler is right to continue to advocate these matters.

The Australian Iranian community is asking for action to be taken to consider the impact of the horrors which have been perpetrated on the Iranian people by the current regime and to declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation.

Question agreed to.


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