Senate debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Statements by Senators

Western Australia: Bushfires

1:41 pm

Photo of Linda ReynoldsLinda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today, I rise to talk about the catastrophic bushfire that hit the Perth area of Wanneroo a little under a week ago. This bushfire was devastating in size and scope, and it resulted in the tragic loss of 18 homes, damage to many businesses in the region, numerous displacements—over 200—into emergency shelters and widespread power outages. The impact of these devastating bushfires will be felt by the Wanneroo community, in particular, for many years, as will the impact on those who had to wait for many days for the bushfires to be brought under control before they could be certain that their homes were safe.

I commend very sincerely all of the emergency services personnel, particularly DFES, who contained the fires and facilitated evacuations. I also commend the Mayor of Wanneroo, Linda Aitken, and the entire team at the city, who have worked tirelessly to respond and support their community.

Natural disasters inflict not only physical but mental scars. There are now many sources of support available. First of all, assistance is available through the Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and the Premier's relief payment program. I note also that the Lord Mayor of Perth has initiated the Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund. I would encourage all of those who have been impacted by those fires to seek assistance through the many channels that are now available.

I would say, on one sour note, it was very disappointing to see the Premier go up into the area to do a press conference and then leave without once picking up the phone to speak to the mayor and the local council.


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