Senate debates

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Statements by Senators

Youth Voice in Parliament Week

1:31 pm

Photo of Nita GreenNita Green (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm very pleased to rise in the Senate and share a special entrance speech from Raise Our Voice in Parliament, Tully Connor from Queensland. Tully had this speech prepared and wanted me to read it out today. She says:

My name is Tully Connor and I am 15 years old, currently residing in the electorate of Ryan, Brisbane/Meanjin.

Previously, I lived in Gladstone, Queensland, where a lack of extracurricular activities (excluding sport, which I am unable to participate in due to health issues.) left me feeling isolated and often powerless.

The voices of regional youth often go unheard, with limited opportunities beyond sports.

Thankfully, my move to Brisbane has opened doors to exciting activities like Model UN and advocacy work, transforming my mental well-being and enhancing my resume.

It's unfair and unjust that rural youth miss out on such opportunities, creating isolation and possibly limiting their future prospects.

Regional voices deserve to be heard, and equal access to extracurricular activities can bridge this gap.

For Australia to become a truly equitable and just society, we must ensure that all youth, regardless of their geographical location, have an equal starting point.

Currently, children in major cities have an obvious advantage, which is which integrally unfair.

It's essential that we allocate funding for regional towns to establish extracurricular humanities opportunities for young people.

By doing so, we can level the playing field and provide access to the same enriching experiences available to their urban counterparts.

This investment not only promotes fairness but also harnesses the untapped potential of regional youth, creating a brighter and more equitable future for all Australians.

I say thank you to Tully. It was wonderful to speak to you yesterday, and congratulations on your speech. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age, and one day we might have a Senator Connor from Queensland.


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