Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Statements by Senators

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

1:51 pm

Photo of Tammy TyrrellTammy Tyrrell (Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie Network) Share this | Hansard source

Small pharmacies in rural areas have been feeling the pinch since the government 's 60-day prescription policy began. I support 60-day prescriptions. What I don't support is slashing money from pharmacies to make that happen. We could have found a better way, and that's why I pushed so hard earlier this year for the government to find a better solution. The government say they're making sure that pharmacies aren't worse off through the availability of two payments, though: the regional pharmacy transition allowance and the regional pharmacy maintenance allowance. Sounds good in theory. But these funds aren't actually helping small pharmacies who need it the most.

Railton Pharmacy is being hit by the reduction in scripts and foot traffic. The amazing Judy, who runs this pharmacy, needs to diversify her income stream to stay afloat for the community. They applied for the regional pharmacy transition allowance on the advice of the health department. Guess what? They were rejected. Why? Because Railton Pharmacy doesn't dispense enough scripts. Pharmacies in remote areas dispensing fewer than 45,000 scripts will get nothing from this new fund right now. Railton's population isn't big enough. The criteria change each year, so they might be eligible in 2024 or 2025. That's if they're still around.

The health minister will say this is okay because these pharmacies just got an increase from the regional pharmacy maintenance allowance. For pharmacies like Judy's, that's an increase of about 20 grand. Pharmacies aren't going to say no to an extra 20 grand in their pocket either. But, when the Railton Pharmacy is taking a $60,000 hit from the 60-day dispensing, the numbers don't add up. Judy just wants to help people in her community, but she says it's like being given a drop of water and being told to prepare for the drought. The minister says the government is doing enough to help small pharmacies through these major changes. But, for people like Judy at Railton Pharmacy, it doesn't even scratch the surface.


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