Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Questions without Notice


2:21 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

(—) (): That is not Labor's position. That is you asserting that that is Labor's position but that is not Labor's position. As I have said, no state or territory supports rent freezes, nor do experts in the housing market, including National Shelter; none of them support a rental freeze. Our policies are around boosting supply of all housing to make it easier to buy or rent. An independent analysis of our supply plan by the Grattan Institute found that it could put significant downward pressure on rents, saving renters billions over the next decade. Our agenda, whether it be the National Housing Accord, the Social Housing Accelerator, the new homes bonus, the Housing Support Program, the National Planning Reform Blueprint, the Housing Australia Future Fund, the National Housing Infrastructure Facility, I think we have shown in the last 18 months that we are addressing the housing shortage in this country. (Time expired)


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