Senate debates

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Statement by the President

Parliamentary Conduct

9:12 am

Photo of Larissa WatersLarissa Waters (Queensland, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Thanks very much, President. I appreciate your ruling there. I specifically sought advice on what words were permissible to use that did not breach standing orders, and I stand by my remarks that are parliamentary and that are within standing orders—that the use of racist language is not appropriate in this chamber. It's not appropriate anywhere, but we need to be setting the standard in this chamber to help keep people safe out there. So I'm very pleased, President, that yourself and the Deputy President have made such a strong ruling this morning. I think it's appropriate and I'm very pleased that you've referenced clause 11 of the code of conduct, because that specifically, as I hope we all know, precludes discrimination in all of its forms by people in this chamber—and it will soon apply to Commonwealth workplaces everywhere as well.

If we are to give meaning to those words, then accountability needs to flow. And so I'm pleased that Senator Hanson was forced to withdraw her racist language used against Senator Faruqi. I'm very disappointed that she didn't take the chance to apologise to Senator Faruqi, as she should have done, but there is still time.

Honourable senators interjecting—


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