Senate debates

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Statements by Senators

Fordham, Mr Steven

1:42 pm

Photo of Ross CadellRoss Cadell (NSW, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, but not many of us here would envisage a hero who stands about five foot six, looks like Ned Kelly and always wears hi-vis as he wanders around the Hunter and even, occasionally, along the hallways down here. But Steve Fordham of Muswellbrook is that kind of person. Steve, a proud Kamilaroi man, is a doer. He doesn't engage in empty virtue signalling. He gets out and takes direct action. This week, Steve was announced as a nominee for an Australian of the Year Local Hero Award. His work through his local charity Blackroo is nothing short of inspiring.

Steve is actively addressing the issues of Indigenous incarceration and recidivism by providing employment opportunities for Indigenous inmates whilst they are in prison. Inmates go out and work across various sites across the Hunter Valley during the final year of incarceration, which creates a sense of belonging, a chance at a brighter future and a connection to the community when they rejoin society. Steve's commitment goes further than simply releasing individuals at the gate and hoping for the best. He's dedicated to creating lasting and positive change and to transforming lives, changing people who've made mistakes into people with meaningful reasons to live. Steve often shares a story of how one day he spotted a program graduate wearing hi-vis out in town. Curious, Steve stopped and asked him why he was wearing the uniform outside of hours. The response was simple: 'When I wear this, no-one follows me around, because I look like I belong, like everybody else. They just smile and say hello.' That is the difference a job can make.

In addition to this program, Steve contributes regularly and significantly to all aspects of the community with events like his annual Christmas toy appeal, which last year saw over a thousand presents and 360 food hampers given to families in need across the Hunter. Steve, congratulations to you. I wish you well and look forward to you being announced as another Australian Local Hero.


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