Senate debates

Wednesday, 8 November 2023


Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies to Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023; In Committee

11:09 am

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

Minister, could I turn to permits. The bill says that the minister may grant permits for the dumping of waste and other matter into Australian waters for a marine geoengineering activity if the minister can satisfy themselves on a range of matters. One of these matters is outlined in proposed subsection (7C)(b), which states:

… pollution of the marine environment from the placement of wastes or other matter for that activity would, as far as practicable, be prevented or reduced to a minimum …

What does 'reduced to a minimum' mean in this context? Is there a relevant standard that applies in assisting the minister to determine what threshold of pollution can be accepted in this context?


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