Senate debates

Wednesday, 8 November 2023


Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reference

7:07 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Great resource states that really understand the value of our land, particularly our arable land. They presented the case as to why this reference should go ahead. And it's not the first time that senators Cadell and Colbeck have brought this reference before the Senate. Sadly, it might be, yet again, another occasion where the Labor Party vote against this very sensible reference to this committee.

I say that it's sensible, because anyone following this debate would see the very sensible, pragmatic and reasonable terms that have been put in this reference. So it's disappointing that the government might actually vote against this, we believe. I hope that's wrong. I hope that through the contributions that my colleagues have made here and, quite possibly, what I'm able to say in the time that I have right now, that we might change the mind of the government about this reference to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee.

As I said, they're very sensible and reasonable terms of reference that are looking at the matters that would concern particularly landowners and farmers but also those that have native title. We know that in my home state of Western Australia huge tracts of land are under native title, particularly in the Goldfields, the Mid West and the Pilbara, where a lot of solar projects are earmarked to go ahead. By connecting them to the South West Interconnected System, the grid, there will be transmission lines that will cut across these vast landscapes. An examination of the impact of these policies upon those landholders and land users is a very sensible thing to do. It's a very respectful thing to do, I might add. What this government is doing by marching ahead with these policies and these ideas without adequately considering the views and the concerns of those landholders and land uses is very disrespectful.

I am disappointed, but I'm not surprised about this government's actions. The reason I'm not surprised is that we have seen time and again this government riding roughshod over parties with vested interests, and we're seeing that right now in the industrial actions arena, for example. They're riding roughshod over workplaces and business owners, particularly small businesses that are working hard to make ends meet. They pay themselves after they've paid their workers, and then, from whatever is left, they might be able to find a bit to pay themselves and to keep the lights on. It's a demonstration yet again that this government is not really listening to the needs of the community when it really should be, and allowing this reference to be supported would be an opportunity to listen to the needs of the community and to respond to those needs. I really do implore the government to support this reference to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee.

Debate interrupted.


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