Senate debates

Tuesday, 7 November 2023


Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies to Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023; In Committee

12:11 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

There are a number of amendments before the chamber, which we'll go into in a little bit of detail. But I want to start with some questions in response to an assertion that Senator McAllister made in her second reading contribution yesterday—that this sea dumping bill that we have before us today hasn't been brought forward to help facilitate an individual project. I don't have the exact words from Hansard, Senator McAllister, so you'd be welcome to correct anything I said there. But I think you were very clear that any potential projects were a long way away and that this has nothing to do with an individual project. So, I just wanted to start by asking some simple questions around that.

Is the minister aware of any existing oil and gas projects or proposed oil and gas projects in Australian waters that are seeking transboundary waste or CO2 movements into carbon capture and storage? That is, are there any projects in Australia, existing or proposed, that have formally, informally or even publicly raised the prospect of wanting to pump their CO2—their carbon—into reservoirs across our national boundaries into foreign waters?


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