Senate debates

Monday, 6 November 2023


Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023; Second Reading

7:19 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I call out Labor's destructive and irresponsible immigration policy that allows violent race-hate bigots to spit their venom in support of filthy, cowardly terrorists. Brother Ismail, an Islamic extremist, recently gave an Islamic sermon in Sydney in which he called the Hamas terrorists freedom fighters and warriors and ignored the slaughter of innocent Israeli men, women and children and the kidnapping of hundreds of hostages to be taken back to Gaza. He called on Muslims to wage jihad in Australia and said that the al-Qaeda and Islamic State flags were the flags of Muslims. He said the national flag is not our flag. He's not Australian. What is he doing here? I would expect that the police are watching this extremist carefully as they consider which crimes he has just committed.

How can the Labor government support an increase in immigration numbers without greater vetting of the quality of immigrants, particularly from Middle Eastern countries and specifically Islamic countries that have a clear historical culture of race based hate and violence under Islamic ideology? Those with extremist views and those coming from countries with a history of cultural violence must be excluded from bringing those views into Australia, either in the immediate, short or long terms. Stringent measures must be put in place to exclude such hate filled, antihuman and inhuman individuals.

Across our vast single-nation continent, united as one nation, with people from many diverse backgrounds, religions, cultures and nations, Australians must be entitled to feel and be safe from the cultural violence that exists mostly overseas. Look, though, at what recently happened in Sydney, at the horrendous rally in support of Palestine on the steps of our Opera House, our iconically Australian and iconically Sydney building, after Hamas's cowardly, inhuman terrorists from Gaza massacred innocent men, women and children. This was Australia's day of shame, as Islamic extremists burnt the Israeli flag and chanted disgraceful slogans such as 'Gas the Jews!' and 'Kill the Jews!' just as occurred in Nazi Germany. 'Gas the Jews!' and 'Kill the Jews!' was chanted here in Australia. It is despicable and un-Australian. Those who were supporters do not deserve to be in Australia. Australian Jewish children are living in fear of their lives from the antisemitic cowards who have shown their hate and threatened innocent Jews. Is this the Australia we want? No, it's not. What we need is social cohesion, where we all get along and violence is not acceptable—where violence is rejected.

Consider the High Court of Australia. It disconnected from the expectations of Australians when its recent decision about convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika restored his previously cancelled Australian citizenship, allowing him now to stay in Australia. He was found guilty of plotting to kill thousands of Australians here in our country. The man in the street, the everyday Australian, would not want this man to remain in Australia. I don't want him to remain in Australia. I want him out. Failed immigration policy is responsible for letting these inhuman and antihuman scum into Australia.

While there are many fine Muslim Australians—and we've had some as candidates in One Nation—assimilating into our culture and complying with our values and laws, Islam, I want to be very clear, is an ideology, a way of structuring society, just like communism, socialism and Nazism. It exercises control of thought, control of belief and control of behaviour using fear and violence. It is punitive and involves cruel physical punishment—for example, female genital mutilation, the suppression of women, the killing of nonbelievers and homosexuals, beheadings, canings, people being thrown off the roofs of buildings, wives being beaten—and so it goes on.

Islam goes against Australian values and Western civilisation. Is there anyone in this chamber who would defend it as being in accordance with Australian values and Western civilisation? I would hope not. Strong steps must be taken to exclude Islamic terrorists from ever setting foot here. Strong steps must be taken to ensure that the judiciary is entitled to strip citizenship from immigrants as part of their sentencing for committing heinous crimes. More importantly, strong steps are needed and must be taken to ensure that vetting of the quality and the suitability of potential immigrants investigates eliminating extremist activists from spreading their poison in our Australian society and creating homegrown terrorists. I will be supporting this bill.


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