Senate debates

Thursday, 19 October 2023


COVID-19: Response

5:26 pm

Photo of Gerard RennickGerard Rennick (Queensland, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I congratulate my coalition and crossbench colleagues today for finally getting up an inquiry into the terms of reference for a royal commission into COVID. It's long overdue, and it's no thanks to the Labor Party and the Greens, who are trying to cover up the complete and outrageous mismanagement of COVID by the state governments. There are many things that we need to look at in this inquiry, and I want to outline them today to give a few points of reference to my fellow colleague here, Senator Scarr, who will be chairing it.

The first one we really need to look at is the origins of coronavirus. We well remember when our former colleague Senator Marise Payne said that we must have an inquiry into the origins of coronavirus—where it came from—and then suddenly it all dropped off a cliff. It's quite interesting, because, over in the United States at the moment, congress is holding an inquiry into the origins of coronavirus. What's happened is that a senior-level CIA whistleblower has come forward to allege that the agency bribed analysts to change their opinion that COVID-19 most likely originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. That's quite concerning. According to this whistleblower, at the end of the review, six of the seven members of the team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low-confidence assessment that coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The whistleblower further contends that, to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position.

Who knows if that's true or not; that's what congress is currently investigating, but we know that, in a speech at Georgetown University back in January 2017—the day before Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States—Anthony Fauci said that there would be a surprise outbreak in the term of Trump's presidency. I find that a completely bizarre statement to make. It's been fact-checked, by the way, so when I put this up on social media, fact-checkers, Reuters have already admitted that it's true. Who on earth would come out and predict the outbreak of a virus within the term of a politician? What has the term of a politician got to do with a virus? It is completely bizarre. That's something we can consider.

Then, we've got to look at the PCR testing. I have asked the TGA for the genomic sequence used in the PCR tests to determine whether or not this testing correlates with the genome, the 29,000 base pairs, in the coronavirus, because what I want to know is: How long is this sequence that the PCR tests use. Which part of the 29,000 base pairs do we use? Are those base pairs also in other types of viruses?

I've got a reply back that the TGA won't give them to me because it's commercial in confidence, which is really strange because I would have thought a virus, if it wasn't made in a lab, wouldn't be commercial in confidence. I didn't know that something that was naturally evolved could be commercial in confidence. It's all very strange. So it's another one for your list there, Senator Scarr.

Then, there's the coding by the World Health Organization that said that anyone that tested positive using a PCR test had to be coded as U.701, which basically indicated that if this person tested positive to coronavirus they therefore died of coronavirus. There's another code called U.702 that said, yes, the person may have tested positive to coronavirus, but you don't code to U.701 unless you've actually done an autopsy and the doctor actually says this person died from the virus and not some other comorbidity.

That was totally swept aside, and the World Health Organization just said, 'No, just code everyone with a positive test from a PCR test to U.701,' so everyone is dying from coronavirus. This is interesting, because the number of people who died from the flu suddenly went to zero throughout 2021. Do I know? I don't.

Then, we've got to look at the lockdowns, the lock-ups and the lockouts by the crazy state premiers. Who can forget Dan Andrews' statement about why we've got to take this vaccine? Because, if we don't take this vaccine, 'we're going to be lining for machines that help us breathe.' Oh, my god! I am so scary!

The, we've got the Queensland premier, who was saying there was COVID in the sewage and that Queensland hospitals were for Queensland people and New South Wales hospitals were there for their people. So I look forward to this inquiry. (Time expired)


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