Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023; In Committee

12:43 pm

Photo of Pauline HansonPauline Hanson (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

If that's something you have disregarded and you're not interested in listening to, then you shouldn't be handling this portfolio, because that is the biggest problem that we have in our family law courts. You say it's in the best interests of the child. It's in the best interests of the child to get to the bottom of why these false allegations and lies are being made against the other parent, stopping them from seeing their child, and it's in the best interests of the child for them to have a connection with both parents and their extended families, grandparents and everyone as well, so you have failed in your duty to protect these children and those people that are being lied about in the court system.

You talk about what's in the best interests of the child. I want to ask you this question. Under your bill, you have here: 'Aboriginal children return to the family based on their connection to their culture'. That absolutely flies in the face of the legislation that states the best interests of the child. You're stating that because they're Aboriginal they must go back to the family. Well, for a lot of these families it's not in the child's best interests to go back to them. Why have you defined Aboriginal children clearly in your bill and not all Australians?


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