Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023



7:54 pm

Photo of Andrew McLachlanAndrew McLachlan (SA, Deputy-President) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to speak in support of the motion moved by the Leader of the Government in the Senate, condemning Hamas' attacks and expressing that we stand with Israel and recognising Israel's inherent right to defend itself. I do not support the amendment moved by the Australian Greens. There have been many contributions on this motion. I wish to particularly express my strong agreement with the contribution made by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate. I also want to associate myself with the remarks of my friend and colleague in the other place Mr Julian Leeser.

I was in Israel earlier this year, and it is a vibrant and diverse society. The attack on it was barbarous. My thoughts are with the people of Israel, especially those who I met, who were so generous in welcoming me to their homeland. Like Mr Leeser, I am deeply concerned about the rise of antisemitism in this country. I recommit myself to do more to fight this terrible behaviour and to do all that I can to ensure that the Jewish community in my state remains safe.


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