Senate debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Questions without Notice


2:48 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Smith, for your question. Thank you for your ongoing interest, alongside your colleagues, in our efforts to help Australians seeking to leave Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Overnight, Australia airlifted some 194 people from Tel Aviv to Dubai. These included 75 Australians, their families, and citizens from partner countries. As we speak, I'm very pleased that 222 Australians are on their way home from Dubai on an Australian government assisted departure flight. An assisted departure flight is also due to leave London for Sydney tonight. We have also secured seats for Australians on commercial flights and flights organised by partner countries. More than 1,400 Australians previously registered with DFAT have now left Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including more than 500 Australians and their families, on six assisted departure flights from Tel Aviv. I thank all those who have helped in these efforts.

We have for some time been encouraging Australians who want to leave to take the first option available to them. I will be clear: we have seen a lot of spare seats on flights for two days in a row, and we have people who have indicated they wish to fly who did not seek to fly. At this stage, we have no further flights from Tel Aviv scheduled, but we will continue to assess need. I want to be clear: my department is communicating directly with registered Australians, and we will notify with any updates.

I can also advise the Senate that Minister Watt has given approval for the National Emergency Management Agency to activate the AUSRECEPLAN. This will include coordination between federal, state and territory governments to support the reception of people arriving in Australia through assisted departures, helping connect people with homes and families, and providing community support and government support where required. (Time expired)


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