Senate debates

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Statements by Senators

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

1:50 pm

Photo of Jana StewartJana Stewart (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This week a deceptive letter pretending to be from the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria was distributed to a town in north-west Victoria not far from my home town of Swan Hill. I felt sick hearing about this. Every Victorian should be furious about the dirty tactics being used by the 'no' campaign. They've resorted to outright lies and fearmongering because they know that, when the Australian people have the facts, they are overwhelmingly saying yes. Saying yes is saying that every Australian deserves a fair go.

While growing up in Swan Hill I sat in a classroom and had a life expectancy over a decade less than my classmates. Twenty years later my seven-year-old son faces statistics that tell us he's more likely to go to prison than he is to university. This is in our country. This is today in Australia. This is not just about me or my family. The same is true for First Nations people in your footy and netball teams around the state and in your workplaces, for First Nations people who are friends with your kids at primary school and for First Nations people who work in your local cafe or supermarket. We are people in your community. These are our communities too.

I want every Australian family to thrive and be healthy, and only by saying yes in this referendum will First Nations people have that equal chance. Only by saying yes will First Nations people see practical progress. Through the referendum on 14 October First Nations people around the country are putting their trust in communities to do the right thing. This is an invitation from First Nations people directly to you, the Australian people. For the referendum on 14 October First Nations people around the country are asking you to be armed with the facts. We've had enough of the dodgy tactics of the 'no' campaign. Let's stand together and show that our community is better than that.


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