Senate debates

Tuesday, 12 September 2023


Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023, National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill 2023, Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Measures No. 1) Bill 2023; Second Reading

9:23 pm

Photo of Ross CadellRoss Cadell (NSW, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I accept that, Senator Pratt. I'll take the interjection, Madam Acting Deputy President. Over there they're so smart about what they can do as a government. The more we get out of the way, the better it is. We have caused this market failure—and it is a market failure, because people are too scared to put up their money because of the fear of getting knocked back for rubbish reasons. Well done on getting the bill thing. I hope it's a long and happy relationship. I can hear from the comments already that it won't be. You're already taking the micky out of each other on this. Sell it as $3 billion when we know it's $1 billion. Put your social media up telling everyone you're fighting for rent controls, when nothing can be done at a federal level. What has happened is a joke. This will cause some good, I grant you that, but not for some time. Don't sell it as an answer to everything, because really it's an answer to very little.


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