Senate debates

Monday, 11 September 2023

Questions without Notice


2:17 pm

Photo of Don FarrellDon Farrell (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Cox for her question and her courtesy in giving us some advance notice about the nature of the question. An application for the renewal of the Jabiluka mineral lease is not currently before the government, so if ERA have made that statement, they have not formally made an application for an extension of that licence. However, we will consider information about Jabiluka at the appropriate time. As you say, it is in the heart of the Kakadu National Park. That discussion will take place in good faith with all of the parties involved.

If ERA do finally apply for the renewal of the lease, it's the Northern Territory minister who will have to consult with and act on the advice of the Commonwealth before advising ERA of its decision. We note that ERA and Rio Tinto have expressed commitments to the longstanding Jabiluka long-term care and maintenance agreement that provides that Jabiluka will not be developed without the consent of Mirrar traditional owners. It's understandable that the traditional owners and those working on country apply appropriate scrutiny to any decision or any application that might be made. The Albanese government is committed to sustainable mining to protect our pristine environment, and that's why we're establishing the national— (Time expired)


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