Senate debates

Wednesday, 6 September 2023


Consideration by Estimates Committees

3:12 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That the Senate take note of the explanation.

Isn't it fascinating that the explanation from the government as to why they aren't answering questions is Scott Morrison? That's who they are blaming for this. Welcome to transparency under the modern Labor government. This allegedly transparent government promised before the election that they would be the most transparent government ever. Prime Minister Albanese keeps talking about how transparent he is. Guess what? He's not transparent and the ministers in this chamber aren't transparent, because they are hiding from being held accountable for their actions.

I sought an explanation from Senator Farrell as to why 30 questions that I put through estimates are unanswered. Estimates, by the way, weren't yesterday, last week or last month; estimates were in May. Let's work backwards. We're in September now, so that's August, July and June—four months. Four months ago these questions were put during the estimates process. What is estimates about? It is about the accountability of the executive to the parliament. Estimates are about the accountability of the executive to this chamber. In plain English for those listening at home, we ask questions on behalf of the taxpayers of Australia because it is expenditure of funds by the executive. We in the opposition and the crossbench ask questions as to how taxpayers' money is being spent.

You'd think that in a moment of reflection the executive of this Labor government, which promised to be the most transparent ever, would answer questions and would be proud to answer questions. You would think that they would be proud to put the answers on the record as to their actions. You'd think that they would be proud of it, but what is clear—


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