Senate debates

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Questions without Notice

Aviation Industry

2:15 pm

Photo of Bridget McKenzieBridget McKenzie (Victoria, National Party, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development) Share this | Hansard source

My question is for the minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Wong. Yesterday the Western Australian Labor Premier, Roger Cook, added his voice to the chorus of state Labor leaders who have questioned this government's decision to block Qatar Airways from providing more services to Perth and Western Australians. He said:

"At the moment we are particularly disadvantaged by the lack of competition in our domestic aviation market, and the protections that Qantas enjoy as our so-called national carrier …

"Qatar Airways kept running during COVID, bringing home Western Australians and keeping our freight moving …

"My government has been clear that we want more routes connecting Perth, and the cultural and economic benefits those flights bring."

Minister, why have some of your Labor colleagues seen the light and why are the Prime Minister and his government burying their heads in the sand when it comes to this decision?


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