Senate debates

Tuesday, 5 September 2023


Special Purpose Flights; Order for the Production of Documents

3:43 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

' SULLIVAN (—) (): At the request of Senator Birmingham, I move:


(a) the Senate notes that during question time on Monday, 4 September 2023, Senator Wong stated that in November 2022 the Government was provided with security advice recommending that new Special Purpose Aircraft (SPA) Guidelines were required and that new SPA reports be presented in a manner consistent with the revised security guidelines; and

(b) the Senate orders the Minister representing the Minister for Defence (Senator Wong), to provide to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, on a confidential basis, by Thursday, 7 September 2023, a copy of the revised SPA Guidelines and any related advice that informed the change to the SPA Guidelines.


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