Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Matters of Urgency


5:01 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

What we have here is a Labor government that is making international foreign policy based on internal factional whims. We have foreign policy being decided by factional bosses. I reference my good friend from Queensland Senator Scarr and his rundown of some of the history of Israel and the borders. But that is irrelevant to this discussion, because foreign policy is being decided by factional bosses. What we're seeing is that the Labor Party will gather in Brisbane next week and the Prime Minister is playing factional games. He is using foreign policy to, in effect, manage his own political party. That is not just a national disgrace; that is an international disgrace. What message does that send to our allies—that our foreign policy is made up on the fly by our Prime Minister and Labor factional powerbrokers?


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