Senate debates

Monday, 7 August 2023

Statements by Senators

Women In Sport

1:34 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

What a time for women's sport in this country. They are kicking goals left, right and centre. Last night we saw the Diamonds absolutely dominate in Cape Town, beating England to win the Netball World Cup. A massive congratulations to the incredible Diamonds, especially to the player of the match, Keira Austin. I hope you are all basking in your well-deserved glory. The Diamonds now hold all of netball's major titles—what an achievement!

And tonight, we get to see the Tillies work their magic against Denmark. There better not be any hours motions coming tonight because I'm counting down the hours to 8.30, so I can get out of here and watch Sam Kerr, Mary Fowler, Hayley Raso and all the other mighty Matildas shine tonight. The Matildas have been dazzling, and if their last match against Canada is anything to go by then we are in for an absolute treat tonight. It has been so heartening to see how the Women's World Cup has drawn massive crowds throughout the world and here. The sold-out arenas and record-breaking audiences would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. It goes without saying that women athletes deserve the same pay, the same praise and the same opportunities as male athletes, and I hope the success of this World Cup has brought us closer to seeing that happen.

One of the best things about this World Cup has been seeing so many girls watching, filled with inspiration and excitement. Here in Australia and all over the world, dreams are hatching in the minds of a generation of young girls. We have the Matildas and all other women competing in the World Cup to thank for that, so go the Tillies! Smash Denmark tonight.


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