Senate debates

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Questions without Notice

Awards and Honours

2:46 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

WONG (—) (): Thank you, Senator Lambie. I acknowledge and respect the work that you and other senators in this place have done in relation to robodebt. I think all of us, or certainly most of us, have been appalled by what has been made public by the royal commission and I think appalled by the actions that have been described or alleged in relation to certain ministers. Obviously, the hope always is that the principle of a professional high-quality Public Service is something that we want to see. It's a good thing for the country. I know Senator Gallagher is working with the Public Service to ensure that the sorts of principles that Australians expect from an apolitical professional public service are not only observed but are strengthened.

I don't really propose to discuss individuals in particular, particularly in the circumstance where a royal commission report has been presented and a confidential chapter is subject to a direction not to publish that has been made by the royal commission. The advice I have been provided with is that public commentary may prejudice future inquiry or investigation, so you may understand why I won't respond in relation to a specific individual. But I think it has been very clear that the government is intending to act on the— (Time expired)


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