Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2023


Broadcasting Services Amendment (Ban on Gambling Advertisements During Live Sport) Bill 2023; Second Reading

9:18 am

Photo of Sarah Hanson-YoungSarah Hanson-Young (SA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I apologise, Acting Deputy President. This is an industry that feeds off the suffering of families and the innocence of children. It is disgusting. Hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers' money is spent cleaning up the mess that this industry makes, while pocketing the profits. They never get taken on because every time a political leader stands up and says they are going to take on the gambling lobby, they are threatened, the political campaign starts and politicians go weak at the knees.

Yes, let's have a good debate about what we're going to do to stop the advertising of gambling on our television screens, on our devices, in our lounge rooms and in our children's bedrooms. I don't want to hear any more promises that we're going to get here or do this. I want to see legislation, and I want to see it now. The government is on notice on this. This bill is going to be debated for the next few days, I understand, so come out and tell us what you're going to do. Act—actions are much more important than words right now. We have heard the promises, election after election after election, and we have seen what happens. We have seen both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party make these promises and then get rolled by their political donors in the gambling industry.

Is it any wonder why Sportsbet wanted to take the Minister for Communications, who is in charge of this regulation, to dinner—is it any wonder? We all know what a sick joke that was. Show us that it made no difference to you. Show us that you actually care about this issue and will do the right thing. I commend the opposition for bringing the debate to the chamber today because it is one that we have to have. But it can't just be political grandstanding; we actually need the political will to stop this industry in its tracks.


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