Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2023


Community Affairs References Committee; Reference

6:40 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Just for the awareness of the Senate, I won't make a long contribution. I just want to acknowledge the very genuine care and concern from all those that have raised contributions on this issue so far because it is a sensitive matter and I respect that. I respect that on this matter there are differing views across the chamber.

On our side, we are having a conscience vote on this. I thought it was appropriate that I declare my reasons for voting the way that I will be. I will be supporting this reference because it is simply just a reference. I think the terms that have been put out by Senator Hanson are reasonable. There are significant issues in this area. I think it's worthwhile taking a look at it. It is not subject matter that I'm in any way an expert on. I certainly don't profess that. I don't have a health background. While I was a youth worker many years ago, I wasn't a youth worker working in this particular space. But I think there are some serious issues that are occurring.

I'm particularly interested in the inquiry, if it goes ahead, taking a look at the evidence from overseas and particularly the United Kingdom and European countries that seem to have a more cautious approach to this issue. I think if we are a mature body we should be able to have an inquiry into this issue and deal with it in a way that is beneficial to children.

I am concerned by what does seem to be a real rise in the number of children that are presenting with gender dysphoria. I'm not sure, necessarily, of the origins of that. But in the reports that I've seen for even my own home state of Western Australia the number of hospitalisations related to this matter has gone up rather exponentially. So I think it's worthy of us to have a mature investigation into this.

It is simply just a reference; there is not a value judgement necessarily placed on it by way of the words in the terms of this particular reference. It would be a reference that I would like to participate in as a participating senator to learn and certainly get evidence that could go towards assisting the community. So I commend it to the Senate and hope that we can support this reference into a very, very important issue that does seem to be on the rise.


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